What progress have you made since your last update?
I’ve kept to a regular blogging schedule, now biweekly. I’ve started two new series: the first on my paper “Against the singularity hypothesis”, and the second on academic papers by other authors that I have learned from. I’ve split my series on existential risk (“Exaggerating the risks”) into subseries and posted written new posts about existential biorisk. I’ve finished up the series on my paper “Mistakes in the moral mathematics of existential risk”.
What are your next steps?
In the near future, I will focus on four series: “Against the singularity hypothesis,” “Exaggerating the risks”, “Papers I learned from,” and “Epistemics”. I hope to have some new content soon. I’m also producing more content (podcasts, interviews, articles) on other platforms and looking for ways to fold this content into the blog if possible.
Is there anything others could help you with?
Please share the blog with others if you like it. I grow primarily through word of mouth and mentions on other platforms. This method of growth helps me to reach interested readers and to keep quality high. If you are reading this, chances are that many people in your network are the kinds of readers I would like to reach.
I'm also looking for other opportunities to contribute to high-quality podcasts, magazines and such.