@David-Mathers Thanks, David. This is exactly what we're aiming for and discussing with folks across the sector.
Marisa posting on behalf of Ekō. Ekō (formerly SumOfUs) is a corporate accountability movement of 23 million people from over 100 countries, using the systems designed to keep corporate power in check – shareholder resolutions, consumer voices, regulatory bodies, and government oversight – in creative, empowering ways to fight and win global campaigns that expose human rights abuses, defend public interests, and make corporations more accountable and responsive. By directly pressuring key decision makers, Ekō campaigns have noticeably shifted the policies, products, and actions of corporations over the last 13 years.
https://www.eko.org/$0 in pending offers
Marisa Nguyen Olson
3 months ago
@David-Mathers Thanks, David. This is exactly what we're aiming for and discussing with folks across the sector.